
Review : Dr.Ci:labo Labo Labo Super Keana Lotion 坑坑洼洼毛孔有救吗?城野医生毛孔收敛水 看我20天的报告

10:35:00 AM Unknown 1 Comments

有些评测甚至说这还能去黑头角质 收缩毛孔 滋润(?) 等等

为此呢 我就来个20天连续使用报告 在此之前我也停止刷酸和敷清洁面膜一星期 把我的黑头森林养的贼胖 

坐标常年夏天的国家 其实我的毛孔问题不单纯在鼻翼 是整颗鼻子 就想像草莓吧 希望爱吃草莓的你不要八我
再加上以前年少不懂事 hen爱用快捷方便的鼻头贴纸 一拉一撕那快感 再看看上面那黄黄白白一束束的 成就感扛扛啊 现在懂事了 才知道把只是皮脂管丝 不是什么黑头白头粉刺林 简单来说就是正常分泌的油脂和脸毛而已 撕了多一会还会再分泌的

白头是闭锁型的 被关起来黏不到 黑头就算是有开口 可是是水滴型 头小身大也可能只拔出局部 还是使用酸类来侵入毛孔才是上策 当然如果问题大或敏感肌就看医生比较专业
手贱也是问提 惯用手是右手的我 皮痒就挤呀剂我的鼻翼 结果右边毛孔明显比左边大

里面含有 AHA和乳酸 ,胶原蛋白和玻尿酸 还有一些甜橙油 有着清香的橘子味 
这款收敛水 还无香料,色数,矿物油,paraben类防腐剂,酒精 ,石油表面活性剂.
其实我对日系药妆是偏好感的 配方ok 价钱相宜 也有效果

虽然外面风很大 可是我对这款化妆水的诉求和期盼就只是要求它能在我洗脸后和敷一些清洁面膜后把毛孔的门暂时关起来 至于能否去除黑头 让毛孔隐形 我真的不抱太大期望
要知道毛孔粗大的形成并非一朝一夕 我把它拉拔长大也是经过岁月的 当然也不是只是单一产品能达成歼灭它们  每个人都有毛孔只是明显和不明显而已 和它们和平相处吧

事先声明 这里的照片绝对真实 没美颜 高清黑头写真 画面或许会不舒服 

 I want to talk about a internet highly rated product, Labo Labo Super Keana Lotion from Dr.Ci:labo .  Some reviews claims that it helps to remove blackhead, tighten pore and hydrating too . 

Here i present my 20 days report, apply this lotions for 20 days and take a close-up photo on my pores. I have been stopped to use any acid or chemical exfoliate product and cleansing mask for a week beforehand. 

With hot summer all-year-long , my pore-blem is not only at the side of the nose . I always use nose strip while i'm young , that is so fun to peel off those tiny little yellowish dot but it actually ruin the pores .

步骤: 洗脸-喷雾-freeman清洁面膜-湿敷城野医生收敛水
在左下图能看见黑头森林不是闹着玩的 而我也有一段时间没敷清洁面膜了 
题外话一下 我试了4款freeman面膜 无一幸免每个都熏眼 
洗脱了粘土膜后 用尤妮佳1/2省水化妆棉来湿敷
效果很明黑点点都磨灭了 当然是需要配合两个步骤的


那些黑黑点点死灰复燃了 这两天我都只用化妆棉配合收敛水搽
其实搽试后 凉凉的 就像含着薄荷糖后喝了一口水 沁入心脾那种

到导出仪出动啦 这款是日立n820 跟了我5年 没后悔买它 虽然未必是最好的仪器 可配合产品 效果相得益彰 记得配合的化妆棉请买好一些的 在脸上滑动才不会搓损娇嫩的皮肤哦

在第六天我又敷清洁面膜啦 用的是悦木之源的粉泥娃娃 清洁面膜类的切记不要敷的太频密
其实不难看明白 用了收敛水后其实毛孔能明显的关起来 就像穿了束身衣 立马视觉上是小了

擦完了收敛水后我搽RéVive 的矫正毛孔(?)的精华 两个合在一起用相辅相成的 可是也当然不可能把毛孔从 XL缩到M的 
RéVive 精华我用完一支了 不打算回购 真的太贵了 使用感还行 精华体本身是有点珠光effect 

 这几天皮肤油脂大爆发 吃了很多油炸食品和火锅 饮食还需控制的
在这段测试期间(大约20天)我都不使用任何酸类 也没用黑头针 因为这收敛水也含有AHA 我就不搅和了
经过ph纸测试 ,ph值大约在4和5之间

其实我也没有什么好说的。。。 我就直接跳到总结吧

终于完成了19天 -欸。。不是说20天吗? 不要计较哈哈哈 我是不会告诉你我干了算错日子这么逗比的事


这是一款凉沁人心脾 外加橘子味的化妆水 至于毛孔隐形,去黑头 把它喝了都不会有 请不要相信神话 可是不代表它没什么卵用 它能即时性把清洁了的毛孔关起来 长期来说 也是有帮助的 毛孔关起来才不容易继续塞肮脏东西嘛 毕竟现在空气污染这么严重  我个人觉得在洗脸后或清洁面膜后用它使用感和效果是不错的 回购可能性高




ROSE MASK Battle - Fresh VS Dearpacker 玫瑰面膜来种草 贵妇小资Check it out!

8:21:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments



贵妇代表: Fresh Rose Face Mask 玫瑰润泽保湿舒缓面膜
小资女:Dearpacker Black Tea & Black Rose Mask  红茶黑玫瑰面膜 - 现在红玫瑰太普通了吗,我们来个

Splurge: FRESH Rose Face Mask
Save: Dearpacker Black Tea & Black Rose Mask - Is it too boring to have only red roses ? we have black rose now  .

这里dearpacker 我买的是100ml大大的一罐(也有50ml的)

Fresh 是在丝芙兰套装盒里挖出来的 ,15ml 白色塑料罐子 -我在hen久以前买过大罐,正装的瓶身是瓷的,手感特别好(^U^)ノ~YO

这里我不多说fresh 的包装什么的,因为是中样 也没什么可说的

Dearpacker mask in limited edition size , which contains 100ml . ( it's also available in 50 ml  )
I didn't get FRESH mask in actual size , this is a deluxe trial kits from Sephora gift box .

I'll skip FRESH packaging here because nothing much to say .
Have been finish up a full size in a good while .It's in a ceramic white twist jar  .
FRESH wins in term of packaging . It's stable and classy.

设计还算用心,米菲喝着红茶赏着花 很符合面膜的主题

Miffy bunny made me buy it . Darn cute isn't it ?
They really spend hard work on their packaging , Miffy bunny having tea and there a vase beside, Why ? Because it is Black Tea & Black Rose mask


Twist jar in dark & thick plastic , it's handy but doesn't make it look cheaply .
Mask pack is tea brown color in jelly consistency , infused with plentiful of crushed soft tea leaf.
fresh 的玫瑰花瓣会更奢华和软糯一点,比较偏蜜糖色
Dearpacker 红茶叶子 会更丰富些,颜色是茶棕色

FRESH- Rose petal feels luxurious and delicate , honey colored
Dearpacker- contains more granule (tea leaf) and it's darker colored with slightly red-brown hue.
Although both of them contains grains but it can't help much to exfoliate .
Please don't put on high hopes that those mini tiny grains able to gives miracle results.
Takes some times to rinse off because most of jelly consistency mask may be gluey at beginning ,it feels refreshing and pleasantly after truly wash off .

 事先声明 我并不是吝啬😅
fresh那边我可是涂足量的 15毫升我只能用两次半

On My Face
TBH , i have put on enough amount on both side of my face .
It may look imbalance because Dearpacker side tend to be darker color, and it also contains more crushed tea leaf.
Both didn't sting my eyes , it's a great and comfortably mask-ing moment .
I let them sit for 10 mins before clean it up.

Fresh 玫瑰润泽保湿舒缓面膜
使用前:油 13.3 水29.7
使用后:油14.9  水33.3

幽幽淡雅的带些苦味的玫瑰香,并不汹涌澎湃,但也能立马闻出那似拥抱花束的感觉 我个人是不抗拒

 fu完脸是软乎乎的  比敷dearpacker更绵一丢丢 脸上的的红丝也好转了一些

要说什么爆水补水保湿的 hmm 没觉得惊艳或有着过人之处
就普通吧 要是你只要保湿预算也够 可尝试但其实性价比并不太高
个人觉得适合全部肤质 就看个人诉求

记得有一次我感冒 抱着纸巾盒擤鼻涕过日子 鼻子和人中区都脱皮红点 搽很多产品都火辣辣
冰敷这个挺舒服 舒缓了一些 当然功效就到此为止

FRESH- Rose Face Mask
Before:oil 13.3 water29.7
After  :oil 14.9  water33.3

I enjoyed the smell of the mask , feels like cuddle a fresh huge bouquet , elegant rose scent with hint of bitterness ,
My skin feels silky soft , even softer than the other side which apply Dearpacker ,  it also calm down redness.
Can't give high rating on hydrating or moisturizing , it function just like any others usual jelly mask .
If you have the budget and doesn't request for more, it's an option for you .
Personally think that it suitable for all skin type , just depending what you're looking for .

In the other hand ,i'm impress how it soothe my skin . I remembered skin peeling beside my nose and philtrum once i caught cold . My skin feels lots better and reduce some redness after apply Fresh rose mask.

Dearpacker 红茶黑玫瑰面膜
使用前:油 13.2 水29.4
使用后:油14.8  水33.1

dearpacker闻起来更浓郁 但与fresh的差别是 它主调是红茶酸涩味 中间夹杂一点玫瑰香 这个组合意外的合拍

敷完后脸也是软滑的 还带一些透亮effect

补水能力 就中规中矩 和fresh区别不大 

个人觉得这款也是适合全部肤质 尤其是油性肌 可适量补水不补油
要是超干肌 其实这两款的功效就有点勉强

Dearpacker Royal Black -Black Tea & Black Rose Mask 
Before:oil 13.2 Water29.4
After  :oil14.8   Water33.1

Dearpacker smell differently , main note is tea scent , in combination of bitter and sour. And of course with mixed with roses. I quite enjoy this combination.
My skin feel soft and smooth , and it also helps to brighten up .
I didn't found any big different to compare with Fresh rose mask in term of hydration and moisturizing power  .
Dearpacker mask also suitable for all skin type. I highly recommend this for oily skin because it gives hydration without heaviness/oiliness.

Neither of these can gives excellent result if you have super dry skin .

这是一个意外发现 我在一星期内敷dearpacker三次 我毛孔变细腻了!!  当然在中午炎热的太阳公公照射下我还是破功
常做补水面膜的确可以细致毛孔 也不单只这个面膜  不过这款价钱不贵 包装可爱 味道也讨喜
我应该会回购 或再逛逛这品牌的其他面膜类

This is an unexpected discover , my pore and skin improves a lots after i apply dearpacker three times in a week . For sure the result doesn't last long if i staying under hot sun .
Hydration really import to achieve smoother and shrink pore .I'm not saying that only this mask gives results.
I enjoyed it because packaging are cute , pleasant scent and also inexpensive .

要是你是一个经常‘脸红’的人 或容易过敏  就往fresh奔去吧

当然dearpacker 也并不是说会造成敏感 只是在舒缓红血丝方面 会没有fresh较明显的效果
但也不差 补水不补油  价钱也相宜 要是喜欢的就把它收了吧 敏感皮肤(不是在过敏期)也ok

If you have super sensitive , calming redness is your main concern . You may go for Fresh Rose Mask .Please check the ingredients list first , because it also contains fragrance and several plant extract that may not suitable for everyone .

Doesn't mean that dearpacker will cause you allergy , just Fresh works better to soothing my redness.
Personally thinks that Dearpacker suitable for all skin type , even sensitive (not during the very bad period )

Thanks for reading .



2018 Empties EP.1

2:47:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello everyone ( ´ ▽ ` )b

It's time to clear up trash!

1.belif The true whitening essence 

 Begin with this white beauty , the box,the bottle, and even the contains ,they are WHITE. 
Let's talk about the contains, belif the true whitening essence is light milky-essence consistency , contains nutmeg and you'll notice when you spread it on . The scent , No joke
No mineral oil, no synthetic fragrances, no synthetic colors, no triethanolamine, no animal-derived ingredients..
I didn't get 'WOW' result on whitening tbh ,it give a light hydration and milky soft texture is comfortable to apply .

Repurchase? No , but i'll still eyeing others belif products .

2.Bifesta Moist Foaming Whip 

-Carbonated foam makes your skin clean and moisturized -
It is a LPG gas bottle , have to shake before pressing and create a cloud-mochi foam. It didn't show up well in photo because this was last pump from the bottle .Please search the advertising video from youtube , it really create great fluffy but dense foam. The packaging is girly and cute with some pink floral pattern .
The product itself smell like lemon soda without sugar , no overpowering and i enjoy use this during daytime . I squeeze about a pingpong ball size and pounce onto my face, my skin feels rolling onto a softest cloud .
Cleansing power is moderate and my skin turn cotton soft after rinse off .I only use it as daytime cleanser , i prefer cleanser that gives higher cleaning power at night . If you have oily or combination skin i suggest you to try out the oil cut or brighten up version.
Made in Japan.
Repurchase? using second bottle now
FYI, this cleanser use up quickly . It only last about 8 weeks .


3.Clarins Masvelt Body Shaping Cream 

-Targets stubborn fat,firm,redefines
A dense thick cream with floral scent . It's feels excellent to apply and velvet touch when its done.
My stubborn fat remain hard, it didn't help much with it but it does good job in firming up .
It helps to firm up my thigh and it also provide well moisture on skin .
I use it as moisturizer for my lower body .

Repurchase? Yes . I haven't found any better yet .


Dior Beautifying Body Milk 

illi ceramide ato lotion

I put these together because i use them as combination.
I received Dior beautifying body milk as a gift and i really adore the scent .OH MY.
Signature J'adore scent ,with downy soft milk texture plus a pretty bottle .I wish to apply this to pamper myself everyday unfortunately i have sensitive nose , i sneeze continuously whenever i put it on .
The scent is potent and long lasting .  It's make my bed sheet,sofa ,clothes smell so J'adore. I found the scents are unfriendly with my sensitive nose so i mixing with unscented body lotion -illi ceramide ato lotion.
illi ceramide ato lotion have no scent , light milky gel consistency . It has light to medium  moisturizing power,skin feel soft and not sticky after fully absorb.
The scent and moisturizing power is just nice after mixing up . Well moisturizing and i still smell good without overwhelming

Repurchase? No for dior beautifying body milk -because of the price .
illi ceramide ato lotion - i brought cream version for my daughter.

1.Innisfree It's real squeeze mask set Green tea (20pcs)

It is a deluxe version which contains 20 pieces in a box . It gives hydration and scent is not overpowering . Innisfree is a great option for inexpensive face mask
Repurchase? I'll get different flavor(?) innisfree face mask from time to time. 

2.illi total aging care mask Green tea (4pcs)

View full review here
Repurchase? Maybe .I like it but not much online store carry this brand .

3.illi moisture face mask Lotus ( 10 pcs )

Normal paper mask . Didn't shown up any remarkable performance .
Repurchase? No

4.Dr Morita Collagen repair essence facial mask (5 pcs ) + illi total aging care green tea mask (4 pcs)

Dr morita mask review
 illi face mask review 

 Repurchase? Yes for both

5& 6. Dr Morita Face mask -left to right
-hyaluronic acid moisture essence mask
-volcanic mud whitening essence facial mask
-snail repair essence ultra slim
-nanopeptide whitening essence facial mask

Repurchase? Yes i enjoyed to use Dr morita face mask . They're inexpensive ,didn't contain overpowering fragrance and  gives good amount of hydration .
*they're not completely scentless , still contains very mild fragrance .

IOPE Plant Stem Cell -Skin perfection special gift set 

1.Softener 25ml
2.Emulsion 25 ml
3.Cream 15 ml
Softener is liquid gel consistency . It gives good amount of hydration and pleasant to apply .
Emulsion is thick milky lotion consistency , It helps to form a moisture barrier to protect skin from drying . For combination skin , you can skip the cream because these two combination are moisten  enough .

The cream is only suitable for dry skin for my opinion . It may look 'watery' in the photo but eventually it gives heavy moisture to skin . It suitable for people who lack of water and also oil.
As shown in photo , cream is definitely thicker and more balm-y.
Both leave sheen finish after absorb .

I found this plant stem cell line are more suitable for dry mature skin .It's much oilier and it smell similar to old style perfume .

Repurchase? No.
Freebies during purchase at gmarket.

Botanical 9 herbs shampoo
Botanical moist shampoo

1.90% naturally derived ingredients .
2.Uses highest level of plant-derived organic ingredients when possible .
3.Uses moroccan argan oil as cleansing agent .
3.No silicones .
5.No sulphates
6.No parabens .
7. No artificial colourants
8. No mineral oils
9. No petroleum surfactants .
10. No ethanol .
11. No animal-derived ingredients .
12.No animal testing at ingredient level.
13. No animal testing during manufacturing process.
14.Human patch test carried for all products.

Okie long story short , there have a long promise list printed on bottle , is it all necessary to have a great healthy hair? YES ,let me explain why
1.90% naturally derived ingredients .
Higher percentage of natural goodness.

2.Uses highest level of plant-derived organic ingredients when possible . 
Contains great quality and high percentage of plant ingredients . Less chemical less botak.

3.Uses moroccan argan oil as cleansing agent . 
Most of cleansing agent/lather producing agent that we found in shampoo are SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate ) which derived from petroleum or palm oil .  SLS will dry out scalp and cause itchy,irritate and flacks .
Moist diane using moroccan argan oil which doesn't dry out scalp and also gives nourishing .

4.No silicones .
Silicone doesn't penetrate the hair/scalp , it form a coating on hair or scalp to block penetration of others ingredients .If you wash your hair everyday but still facing oiliness and extra sebum producing , its time to quit silicone in shampoo.
If you really needs silicone coating on hair to look less fizzy, you may pick that in your conditioner and avoid scalp.

5.No sulphates
As i mention just now at (3) , sulfate/sulphate ( they're same things ,sulphate is uses in british english ) are invasive and overbearing for sensitive and dry scalp .

6.No parabens .
Parabens is a widely used preservative in personal care products , shampoo/skin care/lotion etc. There some study link parabens with cancer. I'm not entirely avoid parabens, but since they avoid it , its an additional point.

7. No artificial colourants
It is not a shampoo that able to dye your hair . So why do we need colorants ?

8. No mineral oils
it doesn't bring benefit to hair or scalp , not to mention it will also cause oily dandruff .

9. No petroleum surfactants .
refer (3)

10. No ethanol .
Ethanol is a kind of alcohol liquid derided from sugar cane or corn . It functions as solvent or astringent . It's ok to use in low concentrate . Avoid ethanol if you looking for alcohol free shampoo .
11. No animal-derived ingredients .
12.No animal testing at ingredient level.
13. No animal testing during manufacturing process.
14.Human patch test carried for all products.
Cruelty Free product- Not tested on animal.
Don't worry if you worry about allergy test , it have done on human. It suitable for babies too .

I didn't get profit from this review , felt pleased that i discovered a great shampoo and wish to share with you'll.
Okie now back to my review.
The bottle/packaging is in translucent diamond pattern  , you can see how much product left in the bottle easily . Liquid are clear and runny , Green bottle (moist version) smell botanical with a hint of peach . White bottle (9herbs) is truly herbs scent without overwhelming . I can still barely smell it after 3 hours .
I wash my hair every alternate day and i didn't feel any itchy or uncomfortable on scalp . I found moist version (green bottle ) are more friendly for my dry hair . If you have damage/perm hair , i highly suggest to try pink bottle (i'm using it now and enjoyed!).
FYI , i need about 3 pumps for my hip length hair .
Made in Japan.

Repurchase? Definitely YES

Shine & Moisture Shampoo

Lather well,smell amazing if you like botanical scent. Cleansing well and it really adding 'shine ' on my hair .

Repurchase? No . because I've found the one suit me more.

Nature Republic Argan Essential Deep Care Hair Essence

Sadly that Nature Republic have been closing down in Malaysia .
I got this in gmarket . i found it works better than mise en scene perfect repair .It smell better , no sticky feeling and smooth out dry end .

Repurchase? Maybe

Shiseido Tsubaki Damage Care Hair Emulsion 

Claims : Deeply repair dry and brittle hair for silky smoothness without any stickines .
It does help to smooth out dry end and fizzy without pastiness. Feel great to touch and brush my hair .In terms of repairing, hmm once you rinse it off , everything back to normal .

With UV protection to repair hair melanin hole whilst restoring the inner structure of hair fibre.
Our hair need sun protection too . As i mention above , no repairing effect on my hair .
Made in Japan.
Repurchase? Maybe

SANA NAMERAKA soy isoflavone bubble pump cleansing foam

I really enjoy to use bubble cleanser in daytime , this is the second bottle in this post.
Sana nameraka bubble cleansing foam have less density compare with Bifesta foaming whip . Both  feel soft and clear without dryness after rinse off .
Oh ya it did mention should be use in the daytime  . Did you notice the word printed on the sticker
'朝', it means morning.
I enjoyed the products from Sana Nameraka , and this wouldn't be the exception . The only downside for this cleanser is the lifespan, finished up in 2 months.

Repurchase? Maybe

1.SK-II R.N.A POWER radical new age power essence .
 SK-II Beauty Essence Review

2.SK-II Whitening Source Derm-Brightener 
SK-II Moisturizer Review

3.SK-II Cellumination Day Surge UV
 SK-II UV protection Review

4.SK-II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion .
 SK-II Lotion Review

5.SK-II Stempower eye cream
SK-II Moisturizer Review

Pardon m'y laziness . Please click links  to read details review that i've done before .

Repurchase? Depending on my $ status ,lol . Currently SK-II Facial Treatment Essence is the only product that i'll keep on repurchase.

Suisse Programme Gigawhite Fresh Double Action Exfoliating Mask

This is a 2-in-1 mask , it contains both chemical and physical exfoliate . The inner tube is white creamy consistency , and outer layer is blue gel with tiny grains (it didn't show up well in photo ). The concept for this 'unique' packaging is to make consumer to get two type exfoliater in one squeeze. BUT unfortunately it's darn hard to squeeze a good balance between blue gel and white cream  . Oh ya this combination looks like toothpaste lol.

The progress is normal, no strong fragrance , slightly sting my eyes, started feel tighten up after ten minutes . It contains grains so i scrub in circle motion before rinse . I can still notice a few grains after i wash my face , its difficult to remove all so i switch to use it during bath time .

It gives whitening effect instantly , but doesn't last long . Those hard-to-rinse tiny grains also helps to smoothen my skin . Adjust the time that the mask leave on your skin if you have dry skin type.

Repurchase? No .

 From left to right

1.Suisse Programme Cellular Boosting Solution 
Suisse programme cellular boosting solution review  

Repurchase? Maybe . If there good deal
2.Lirikos Marine collagen V ampoule 

It's contains 5ml per bottle and needs to finished up in 7 days . It claims to helps anti-wrinkle and gives sharpen V face line . I did notice it gives good result in plumping up .

Repurchase? Yes. I 'll write a new post about brand focus on Lirikos .

3.Blithe Patting water pack soothing and healing green tea
Blithe patting water pack  

Repurchase? Using purple berry version now .

 Verite Brighten Dual Expert
45 ml in total and divide into two tube .

Amore Pacific 70 years anniversary special edition box , look great but i can't read korean .

 This is one pump from each tube , that side with yellow translucent is gel consistency with citrus scent  . Another side is white creamy consistency with floral scent . Powdery finish and leave slightly white tint .

Brightening result is visible and instant but back to normal after cleansing . I only use at morning because i don't need tinted product during nighttime .My skin look healthy and glowing after apply .

It didn't help to brighten my skin other than tinting.

Repurchase? No

1.illi total aging care scrub wash
2.Crabtree & Evelyn pear and pink magnolia
3.Innisfree my body gardenia body cleanser

illi- Maybe

Crabtree & Evelyn - YesA must  .This scent can cheer me up

Innisfree- Maybe .

Thanks for reading .



Empties (March 2017 to June 2017) Sanoflore,SK-II,St.Ives,Rosette,Biotherm,Mamonde,Belif,Su:m37,Borghese,Ludeya

2:33:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello everyone =)

Sorry for being MIA for 6 months , now i'm back with my empties record . Stay tune and i promise will update from time to time , trust me.

1. Sanoflore -Rose Ancienne Bio
It's a rose floral water with spray nozzle, surprisingly it doesn't smell 'very rose' for me. I expect the scent are similar to Melvita rose spray which i have review before Click here  .
It's smell botanical but not rose ,with a hint of dusty . I have no idea why , hope that i didn't get a imitation product.
Nothing caught my eye, the packaging , hydration power, nozzle , scent . It's an average product .
I got this in twin pack ,so you will see it again in next empties record .

2.St.Ives Smooth & Glow Apricot Exfoliating Body Wash
 It smell good , not overly perfumey or sweet . The exfoliate granule (they claim are 100% natural ) is fine and good for daily basis . If you're looking for a body wash with exfoliant and can be easily found in drugstore or supermarket , this product is for you .

 3.SK-II Whitening Source Clear Lotion

I have write a details review here .
May not repurchase in this moment because i have some stock that i need to use up before it gets expire .

4.Rosette Cleansing paste - Pink (Normal skin )
Got this as a gift from bestie . The only word i able to understand is "Rosette cleansing paste' so i use it as my day cleanser and found it makes my skin dry and tighten in uncomfortable way , especially eye zone  so i switch it to night , it still feel the same . End up i can only use on the night that i need a higher cleanliness cleanser , after heavy make up or dusty dirty sweaty day .

It contain surfur so it helps on antibacteria and great for acne skin .
If you really wanted to try this and you are dry skin  , i suggest to try blue version.

5.Biotherm Total and instant cleansing micellar water

200ml for Rm 85 .
Made in france .
I unable to finish up because i leave it at my hometown and forget about it lol , so it gets expired
It capable to remove light to medium make up . Inefficient to remove thoroughly on waterproof mascara and  lip tint ( this tint staining power extremely strong , sometime it stay up to 3 days on my lips )
It is a little bit silky texture so that it glide on skin smoothly without pulling and doesn't sting my eyes.

This products is great , but i wouldn't repurchase at this moment.

6.Mamonde rose water toner

 -Water-like , Comfortable rose scent 
-Plastic handy bottle 
-contains 90.89% rose water 
-Very cheap , i got it at 7800 won for two bottle (Gmarket)
-Gives light hydration and i refill it in spray bottle , and spray whenever i need

This is a good option if you are looking for cheap rose toner .

*this is a repurchase product , so i'll ctrl+v  . XD

7.Belif the true cream aqua bomb

This is the only skincare that i bring along to labour room for 5 days and it truly WORKS!

It hydrate well and doesn't leave sticky residue . My skin feel fresh and soft.
It is gel cream consistency , 80% gel 20% cream , it absorb well and smell sour refreshing .

8.Su:m37 white award ultimate whitening ampoule in cream

 I got this because heard meejmuse (youtuber) rave about this .It's cream-balm consistency and smell a little bit sour-ish because su:m37 products are infuse with fermented ingredients . It may smell not sumptuous but now i accept and enjoy this natural scent !
It truly moisture and form a good barrier to protect my skin through the night . It doesn't feel overly sticky or smothering but you'll still able feel a thin film on top of your skin when you touch it .

I'll write a full review for all sum37 white award products ( include lotion,emulsion,essence and cream ) soon. Please comment and show me that you're interested .

SK-II RNA power
SK-II Stempower
SK-II Facial treatment concentrate

I've done a full review for all SK-II moisturizer/face cream. Please Click here

12.Borghese fango delicato

A heavy glass jar filled with green mud mask .
Although it stated for delicate dry skin but i still feel slightly hot and dry after rinse off .

This is not a empty jar which i not suppose to write it in empties record , but not gonna to use it again because its stay over a year on my desk . Its time to clear it up.

13.Ludeya micro needle cosmetic - intensive brightening

It is a sleeping mask from a taiwan brand call 'Ludeya '. This is a gift with purchase while i making order in http://www.iqueen.my/v2/official . 

Unfortunately i have no chance to try because i found the product's colour are different with photo .

There are two type sleeping mask from Ludeya , Pink and Blue . But i received beige ...

Although it claim that haven't expired yet (Photo captured on May 2017  and product stated expired on Oct 2017 ) but i hesitate apply it on my skin , so end up i throw it into dustbin. ( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒)

Thanks for reading and wish you stay beautiful (❁´◡`❁)