dr morita,

Event & Review : Dr.Morita Official launching + Mask review 森田药妆抵达马来西亚了!!同场加映7款面膜用后感

4:32:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

hello everyone

今天我要分享一个我很很很 (很重要,要说3次) 喜欢的台湾平价面膜品牌 - 森田药妆 终于踏足马来西亚了

恩恩 *拍肩膀 这是个明智的决策  森田药妆的面膜薄而不破 , 保湿而不腻 ,效果明显而又价钱便宜  是居家必备良膜 。而更更重要是它非常适合马来西亚闷热的气候,它的精华液清爽,容易吸收,而且通常这里的女生是属于缺水 不缺油,所以真真ngam sai 。


*我之前有分享过 请看 hualuronic acid face mask review

之前经常都需要托朋友在台湾扛货货找代购 ,现在不求人啦 马来西亚 各大guardian 均有代售.

价钱是 RM22.90 (5 片 )-纸膜
 冻膜 RM39.90

*不好意思我对冻膜 没太大好感,所以这里就没分享了

首先 ,先快速 说一说它的launching event ,那天非常有幸的被邀请

时间:13 January 2016   10.30 am
地点 : The forum , Desa Sri Hartamas



 现场布置了很多面膜产品,它们挑选了12款适合马来西亚天气及肤质的面膜进军(森田药妆共有70多款面膜,还在增加中) 当然也有最受欢迎的玻尿酸复合原液面膜
名人有名人拍,我也来自拍。右边的是jeen .



A:洗脸后,可先涂上化妆水,然后面膜。 过了15分钟,卸下面膜,把脸上的精华拍打至吸收。然后记得涂上面霜锁住水分 (现场示范的是水凝膜)


A:依照自己的肤质,要是有特别需求(拉提,抗痘,美白)就选择 特别针对你要的问题 来做选择。 可是 保湿是最为重要,要是想不到哪款,就拿保湿的。


 我在活动中收到了3盒面膜当小礼物,还外加一个memo型的水壶  。

1.Dr.morita 森田药妆 白金九胜肽极致钻白面膜
2.Dr.morita森田药妆 蜗牛修护原液面膜     *自购
3.Dr.morita森田药妆 双效配方润白面膜     *自购
4.Dr.morita森田药妆  三重玻尿酸复合原液面膜
5.Dr.morita森田药妆 海洋胶原蛋白多元修复紧致面膜
6.Dr.morita森田药妆 极致保湿修护面膜     *自购
7.Dr.morita森田药妆 火山泥小白花润白黑面膜      *自购


1.Dr.morita 森田药妆 白金九胜肽极致钻白面膜

九胜肽 能防止黑色素形成,降低黑色素生成,皮肤自然嫩白透亮
里面还含有薏仁萃取,有机洋甘菊,有机接骨木 。 达到调理肌肤,保湿及修护

很合脸型 也够大张,额头高的也ok

2.Dr.morita森田药妆 蜗牛修护原液面膜  

酵母精华 能柔嫩 紧致 和保湿皮肤

题外话  以前和朋友聊天的时候,发觉她竟然误以为 蜗牛萃取是用力挤蜗牛 然后收取它的汁液(对,就好像挤海绵那样)我被她的天真打败 lol 。




水份:87.2  立刻感觉水润呀

精华比较其他会有一点点的黏。白色的珍珠纸上有印着DR MORITA 的字,(虽然对脸没有帮助,可是就感觉他们有花心思在包装 是值得加分哦)
我个人觉得这款很棒,兼具保湿及修护 。在长痘后 用来更新 修护 和保湿 能让 肌肤能更快回到之前的状态。

3.Dr.morita森田药妆 极致保湿修护面膜  

DNA 修护精华 -有效恢复活力,保护,调理 和紧致

小分子玻尿酸 能迅速直达角质底层,与大分子玻尿酸相互搭配,保湿效果更 卓越。



Oil 28.0
Water 62.4

4.Dr.morita森田药妆 火山泥小白花润白黑面膜

原谅我长得一脸 土匪样 ,敷这个时女儿是 一脸嫌弃 ,也不靠近我 T.T







要是觉得做泥膜很麻烦需要清洗,就用这个吧。脏物被面膜纸上的火山泥吸走后就把它丢就ok 了,也不必再洗脸。


 5.Dr.morita森田药妆  三重玻尿酸复合原液面膜



有机大叶醉鱼草植物萃取 -有效减少肌肤玻尿酸的流失,帮助肌肤保持水嫩保湿,抗氧化。它还包含抗炎,抗细菌,能达到舒缓,柔敏和修护的功效。


要是想试森田面膜就从这款开始,注水保湿是日常所需。 这款纸张薄,透,精华液润而不带人工香,一米米点的黏。保湿效果也可抵2天。

 6..Dr.morita森田药妆 双效配方润白面膜


米酵素-含丰富氨基酸,天然保湿因子和维生素 B1,B2,B6,,E 等,等长效深度滋润及维持肌肤水油平衡,改善暗沉及泛黄等肤色问题特别有效。


 7.Dr.morita森田药妆 海洋胶原蛋白多元修复紧致面膜





oil 44.9
water 99.9

以上是我对7款森田面膜的用后感。对我来说,森田药妆面膜真的是平价的战斗机,便宜而且效果看得到。这几款在guardian malaysia 买的到的都是精挑细选出来 的,是属于适合混合肌和微干肌,要是草鸡无敌干的可能就觉得不太够力,但是森田面膜是每天敷都不会有负担感的。





Review : Melvita Organic Floral Water : Damask Rose floral water & Orange Blossom floral water

11:15:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello everyone =)

Today i want to do a short review for  Melvita Organic floral water spray .

If you want add some floral scent to skincare routine , floral water spray will be a good choice , because you can use it everywhere , anytime ( you wont repeatedly apply moisturizer right ?)

And flower water can bring benefit to our body too , not just the scent =)

1.Rose -hydrate , nourishing , and reduce redness

2.Chamomile: soothing , strengthen skin barrier and calming redness and itchy ( and helps to sleep better too )

3.Lavender :balancing oil and water level , treat acne and eczema

4.Orange blossom : soothing and softening, regenerating skin cell

5.Witch hazel : oh this is the best friend for people who frustrated with acne , clog pore

etc etc (sorry lack of study , but you can google it =)

*Some research showing that flower extract may cause of skin allergy , so may not suitable for sensitive skin , try at the counter first .*

and you can use it every time too

1. as toner
2. patchy make up ? spray some floral water for soften and dewy finish
3. spritz on hair on tame fizzy
4. refresh yourself in hot summer
5. sometime body lotion may not absorb by dry flaking skin , spray some floral water to soften skin first and you will found its more easy to apply .
6. Good scent   -- i know this is lame but i really like to have some floral scent to relax myself . The scent is more natural ,courtyard and comfortable compare with perfume or scented candle.

1. Melvita Organic floral water - Damask rose floral water

*Certified organic and fair trade (EFT attested), our floral water is obtained by steam distillation of fresh Rosa damascena petals. Our unique extraction method enables us to obtain a floral water that is particularly rich in active ingredients, making it a naturally powerful formula. With its fresh, delicate scent, our floral water helps to combat dehydration and regenerate the skin*.

- mild , gentle and real rose scent , feel like you opening the fridge that florist store their rose .
- please finish it in 6 month because the they using fresh steam rose petals .
-i found the damask rose are more hydrate and moisture compare with others ( i try most of them from melvita )
-the spray pump allow you get strong yet fine 'mist'. So it wont damp your makeup
-you can keep the spray head and only purchase the refill

2. Melvita Organic floral water - Orange blossom

*Orange blossom flower water is obtained by distillation of organically grown, fresh Citrus aurantium amara leaves. Naturally rich in active ingredients, it has calming, softening and refreshing properties, and is suitable for all skin types.*

-mild , gentle and soothing scent , i not sure how citrus aurantium amara leave smell like , but this spray doesn't  leave me 'citrusy ' feel .
-it soothe my hot sunny face after i outdoor play
-i like the slim sleek stable plastic bottle ( if there are glass i think i will break it in 3 days lol )


If  you wish to try floral water , i will recommend to get melvita . Because it is organic , fresh and price reasonable ( you can buy refill and its slightly cheaper ) . Pick the one suits your skin type or get advice from beauty assistance .

My favorite will be Damask rose , it smell wonderfully and hydrate me well .

Thanks for reading =)



[Shopping]Coupon and Shipping Discount : Rakuten discount 3000 yen ! Gmarket shipping only $5 ?!

9:09:00 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Hi Malaysian shopper ! i have big big big news wanna share to you all ! (Actually not very new , because i wait my parcel arrived only i write this post )

Have you heard Rakuten and Gmarket before ?

Rakuten is a japan shopping website , and you can shop all the things that you needs from japan ! Of course most of merchant are japanese BUT you don't need to worry , the website available in English.

 Skincare ,makeup , drugstore products , supplement,camera,watches, fashion item , character figure etc. 
Just type on search engine 

And what make me crazy is .... They giving out 3000 yen discount coupon !

To entire this offer, you would need to make a purchase that more than 10,000 yen (appx RM360) And you can key in code


And you will get 3000 yen discount on the spot  (appx RM108)

Which mean you get 30% discount , doesn't it sound amazing ?

More detail please click here : http://global.rakuten.com/en/event/my_welcome/

*Malaysia only 

So there are some rules about it 

1.Make 10 000 yen purchase in one single order ( can be mix of few item but same merchant )
2. Available until 25 May 2016 only 
3.Key in code during checkout (MUST MUST MUST )
4.Shipping fees are not included. They will email you about the sum of postage after they weight it.
5. Please read here for full detail http://global.rakuten.com/en/event/my_welcome/ 
6.Their customer service are great , just email them if you have any question 

** They didn't sponsor me  , i just wanna share this good offer . =)

And here i show you what i brought from Rakuten 

(i order with my mother in law so i have 2 big box )

1.大麦若叶 ( Japan young barley leaves powder AKA green juice )
2. Asahi Collagen powder ( 60 days supply )
3. DHC lip cream (Works well on dry lips but finish up very quick )

1.  大麦若叶 ( Japan young barley leaves powder AKA green juice ) For whole family so stock up a few box more 
2.Asahi collagen (1month supply ) its the same with the box above , we love this collagen because it smell heavenly and WITHOUT fishy taste **be caution , non halal product 
3.WAKAMOTO 1000s  ( This is not a medicine but able to cure stomach problem , if you can't go toilet , eat this. If you go toilet too frequently , eat this . If you stomach not feeling well , eat this . lol

So here come the next 


Gmarket is the most famous korea shopping website .

Since korean drama/make up/skin care/snack are the trend now , a lot ppl fly over korea to shopping . But ... its so tired to carry those 30-40 KG luggage bag, and you need to worry about your chips getting crushed and those glass bottle are easily smash too.

 So shopping at Gmarket is the best best choice . You pay the price in korea but you dont need to fly over there ( There are always a lot 'daigou' to carry korean product but for sure the price will higher than what you pay in korea).

And Gmarket will pack all your item (combine few merchant or even combine order !) and ship it together to your house . Their packaging is reliable , you can count on them !

But the only BIG problem is , their shipping fees are pretty pretty HIGH
3.5 kg to HONG KONG is 23 370 won (RM 80)



Drum roll 

They having promotion now , only 5000 won ( Rm 17) for EMS shipping

No matter how heavy is it , you can buy a pack of rice and shipping still remain 5000 won . 

Oh yeah ! what are you waiting for ? Go Go Go shop 

*Singapore , Malaysia and Vietnam only 
Until End of April 2016

My parcel ( there are few more coming soon)

 Neat and secure packaging , They didn't open the item from different merchant  , they just combine it together . 

1. Mise en scene Hair repair 
2.Skin Food konjac sponge ( charcoal )
3,A pair of silver flats   *bad odor and quality so-so, i wont purchase from this merchant again =(  

Earring , They not just looking good , their quality are stable and good workmanship (price range RM 30 +/-)
* Just find the shop ( Soo n Soo ) in the best seller category .

Base on my own experience ( in oversea online shopping ) , i suggest not to put too much item in one parcel to avoid customs . Around Rm 400 would be just nice =)

Thanks for reading , and happy shopping  =) Have a good weekend 

Quote :



Review : SK-II Face Mask -Skin Rebooster, Facial Treatment Mask , Whitening Source Derm-Revival Mask , Skin Signature 3D Redefining Mask

10:55:00 PM Unknown 17 Comments

Hello everyone , Today i want to talk about SK-II Face mask .

These are 3 type sheet mask and 1 skin rebooster (sort of gel-mask ) .

So some people may think we don't need to get those 'expensive' mask. For my own preference , i will use cheaper alternative mask for two to three times a week , and put on those luxury mask sheet before special event or on the day you need extra boost . Because it gives quick instant and lasting result.

1. SK II Skin Rebooster

The one and only gel pack mask .

**An intensive daily wipe-off gel mask which gives immediate moisturisation to skin, leading to clear and translucent skin. With Quick aqua gel system to deliver moisturising ingredients deep inside of dehydrated skin with a fresh feel.

I use 2 pump for entire of my skin , the beauty assistance advice to apply more on T zone , it can soften and remove the impurities . It will leave a greasy sticky layer on the top .

Apply the gel pack onto your skin and wait about 10 minutes , and remove it with the wipe-off type tissue that come with the product .The texture of the tissue wipe helps cleansing progress easier , and push out the white head at the same time .

*Wuuu look at these*

Skin look clearer and brighter 

-Scent very light, just like water 
-Hard to remove the gel mask without the wipe off tissue , it leave sticky after remove the mask . I will wipe again with SK-II clear lotion and cotton pad
-Best to use during shower because the heat of steam can open up pore and remove the impurities .
-Be able to use everyday
-2 pump are just enough for whole face , overly doesn't make things better
-Feel soft after using but not hydrate enough .
-The packaging is plastic-y 

Overall this mask not superb , but it does slightly re-boost my skin as it heading(Skin Rebooster) but doesn't adapting to the price tag . 

2. SK-II Whitening Source Derm-Revival Mask

**Infused with Pitera™, a Vitamin C derivative and Niacinamide, this stretchable, wonderfully luxurious mask perfectly fits the contours of your face to effectively deliver a concentrated amount of brightening ingredients deep within your skin*. Each mask drenches your skin with the same amount of serum as one full bottle of Whitening Power Spots Specialist.

This paper mask are mainly target for whitening and even skin tone .
-The paper are thick and soft , Fit and stay on my face very well 
-Can cover eye zone .
-Scentless and thick gel type essence , and amount just nice for one usage .
-Normally i will spend 30 minutes on this mask , it wont dry out easily . Although the essence are thick but it doesn't feel any sticky or uncomfortable . 
-It hydrate and brighten my skin pleasantly .
-It doesn't irritate my skin while i having acne or pimple . (But not recommend to use whitening product during break out)
-Brighten effect can last about 2-3 days . If you wish to add some boost to your whitening routine , this mask definitely must have !

3. SK-II Skin signature 3D redefining mask 

**This 3D stretch mask is drenched with a potent cocktail of Pitera™,
Oli-Vityl™, Signaline and Niacinamide to noticeably firm and contour areas that are most prone to sagging.
It firms the forehead, sides of your nose and cheekbones and the skin around the jawline and corners of the mouth– to give you a strikingly, more contoured facial profile.
The innovative 3D stretch design has been specially created to seamlessly fit the face with an immediate appearance-lifting effect.

 The mask comes with 2 part , upper and bottom part . Apply the upper part first and following with the bottom . Whats it really special is the paper cloth is 'elastic', so you can PULL the bottom part and make it fit to your jaw line and the lifting effect will remain until you remove the mask .It doesn't feel unpleasant and the mask stay on face really well , i can move around and it smell goooood .

-Milky texture essence , scent close to R.N.A essence (The new product from SK-II recently )
-Once the mask set it stay stable and cant talk . It really HOLD well .
-Remember to pull the mask and lift up double chin , it will help .

I really really LOVE this mask , although it can't completely solve my double chin problem but it can feel it really help my skin to be more bouncy,lively and plump. I believe it will help my skin to be more youthful if i apply more but sadly i couldn't because the price tag really bite me .

4. SK-II Facial treatment mask

*very sorry that my photo disappear , so i use the photo that i found online .

**A luxurious facial mask with an indulgent concentration of Pitera™ in a single application. Your skin is immediately and exceptionally immersed in moisturization, resulting in a visibly radiant and crystal clear complexion.

Sorry that all the photo for this mask are run away from my memory card =(

-Thick and soft paper . All SK-II mask fits my face very well  
-Essence is thicker type but not sticky at all and it feels smoothly to massage 
-Hydrate my skin calmly and result last about 2-3 days .
-I like to prep this before i put on make up .My make up stay longer without touch up ,less oily on T zone .
This is my favorite hydrating mask , and i recommend to pick this one if you are first to SK-II facial mask .

Thanks for reading , Happy weekend =)